Explore Video Games: The Great Connector Exhibition

Overview Supporters Pop-Up Expo Press Opening Night Ceremony Lease Exhibition Contact

Video Games: The Great Connector is Presented by:

The Harlem Gallery of Science

This exhibit has been made possible through the generous support of:

Meet the Design Team

Curatorial Staff:

Nick Martinez

Ashlyn Sparrow

Barry Joseph

Exhibition Design Staff:

Mariano Desmaràs

Marlyka Williams

Advisory Members:

This exhibition was developed in close collaboration with three groups of advisories. One was a Youth Advisory

composed of New York City teenagers. The second was a Community Leaders Advisory composed of individuals

from learning institutions in and around Harlem. The third was a Games Expert Advisory composed of game

designers, academics and others promoting the pro-social use of digital games in NYC.

Christopher Grant

Ohany Villa

Maria Shahbain

Kgari Kgama-Gates

Tadeos Stover

Laura Ozoria

Julie Itwaru

Kimira Colson

Samantha Moreno

James Horton

Anthony Casasnovas

Susan Perkins

Mashfiq Ahmed

Yiyi Zhang

Hessvacio Hassan

Geneva Heyward

Jaye “Letta J” Watts

Shawn Pierre

Marcelo D. Viana Neto

Kyra Wills-Umdenstock

This exhibit was also made possible through partnerships with:

Urban Arts

Harlem School of the Arts

The Strong National Museum of Play

Cecelia Gamo & Suchitra Sherpa

Games for Change

The GEE! Award

All of the many game designers and artists whose work is featured throughout the exhibit